Somewhere deep in the heart of Vega, also known as Alpha Lyrae, the hybrid being known as Sorraia winked into existence and was simultaneously transported to Earth by the hitherto untapped power of pure thought. This many limbed , quad-cortexed, self oscillating pseudo-organism, now drained of all it's perambulatory power, lay dormant for over a century, skulking unseen beneath the constantly shifting sands and nomadic feet of the Tuvan desert.
For more than a hundred years, the strange creature tried in vain to recharge it's depleted neural battery arrays by harnessing the power of the Earth's yellow sun. Eventually, when the fallout from the last great war had reached survivable levels, Sorraia emerged to find a post-apocalyptic wasteland in waiting.
Riddled with the detritus of charred and melted auto-tune weapons technology and short circuited drum and bass machinery, it scoured the planet, without success, for signs of useable interstellar telecommunications technology. Undeterred by failure, the strange ungainly creature proceeded to lumber amidst the wreckage of the 21st century, collecting the items it would need to create the rudimentary analog mayday signals it would have to send home in order to leave this burnt out rock of a planet. Said signals, produced by striking archaic musical devices in semi-randomised patterns were then psycho-magnetically imprinted to a long-obsolete device known to the few remaining inhabitants of Earth as a "4-track tape recorder". Timewarp Music has secured 6 such messages to be proliferated in the hope that one day, Sorraia may return home.
Audiophile Analog Mastering: Angelos Timewarp Stoumpos at Timewarp Mastering
Cover Design: Timewarp
Sorraia - Vervain will be available on November 02, 2018 for sale in special edition CDR and digital
download at timewarpstore and all digital music retailers across the internet.
1. Sorraia - The Grasshopper Lies Heavy
2. Sorraia - Blue Rose
3. Sorraia - Under the Jaguar Sun
4. Sorraia - Oulata
5. Sorraia - Adenai
6. Sorraia - Cadiz